Goals and objectives of the movement

The main and most important goal of our Movement is the preservation of the Armenian state. These are strengthening of external and internal security, ensuring national unity and further development of statehood. Our main task is to qualitatively change the situation in Armenia for the better. We need to restore the people's faith in the government's ability to solve the problem of the threat of renewed hostilities, to bring society out of the depressive and indifferent state associated with psychological fatigue from a prolonged conflict.

The key directions of the Movement are:

1. Consolidation of all patriotic forces at home and abroad, for which the highest priorities are the state interests of Armenia, national and religious Armenian traditions, respect for the history of their people.

2. The fight against the betrayal of Armenia's interests in government structures, ignoring and trampling on statehood, and disregard for the vital values of the Armenian people. The recognition of all illegal and unconstitutional decisions of the authorities, including in the international arena, as invalid and invalid.

3. Restoration of trust between the Armenian society and the state authorities. The implementation of national ideas on the basis of an inseparable dialogue with the citizens of the Republic, social solidarity and self-awareness.

4. The transition to the presidential form of government, which assumes the personal responsibility of the highest official to the people of Armenia.

5. Formation of firm foundations for the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.

6. Building a socially oriented and democratic state. Respect for the Law and the Law, respect for national culture and traditions, ensuring the right of every person to a decent and safe life.

7. Development of a clear state doctrine, including areas of national interest, assessment of potential threats, Armenia's position on major international issues, attitude to participation in military blocs and alliances, ways and mechanisms of renovation of the army and law enforcement agencies in the interests of ensuring internal and external security of the state.

8. Countering external challenges and threats, neutralizing them, and in the case of armed aggression – confident resistance and reliable protection of the state, as well as the zone of its vital interests.

9. Creation of the basic foundations for ensuring economic and military security for the progressive development of the Republic. Strengthening the country's defense capability by increasing the combat capability of the national army and equipping it with modern weapons.

10. Creating conditions for peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial development of relations with neighboring countries and UN member States.

11. Revival of national collective awareness of the historical role and importance of the Armenian civilization for the development of the state; preservation of national identity, national unity and social solidarity; restoration of the right of Armenian citizens to historical justice and a safe life.

12. The struggle for the expansion of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Recognition of the rights of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh to a safe life in their homeland in accordance with the provisions of the UN Charter, international conventions and norms.

13. Improvement and development of the national system of civil and military education. The introduction of mandatory patriotic-oriented programs for the education of the younger generation imbued with national ideas and national values.

The Movement pays priority attention to solving the following tasks:

1. Strengthening the Armenian statehood and independence.

2. Uniting all the healthy patriotic forces of the Armenian community in the world.

3. Development of Armenia's relations with the Armenian Diaspora abroad and its consolidation.

4. State protection of the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots living outside the Republic.

5. Ensuring freedom, justice and dignity of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

6. The growth of the welfare of the population, the balance between the rights and duties of citizens, observance of public norms of morality and law.

7. Protection and improvement of the Constitution of Armenia, suppression of attempts to violate it, disregard and betray vital national state interests. Implementation of effective measures to ensure the legal, economic, military, information, public and cultural security of the state.

8. Reform and development of the public and private sectors of the economy in order to bring the country to the level of economic and financial independence.

9. Promoting scientific and technological progress and technological modernization of key industries in the production sector.

10. Strengthening the position of the Republic of Armenia in the international arena as a subject of international law.

11. Development of mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral relations with foreign States, interstate associations and organizations based on respect for international law, partnership and equality.

12. The immutable priority of state and national independence in Armenia's foreign policy

13. A legally justified and reasoned appeal to the UN prepared at the legislative level with a demand to confirm the right of the population of Artsakh to self-determination.

14. Preservation of the material and spiritual heritage of Armenia. A return to the moral values of the Armenian culture, which is an inseparable part of world civilization, namely, to the Armenian history, language, literature and art, the Armenian family, patriotism, creed and sacred traditions of the Armenian Church.

15. Creating conditions for the revival of Armenia by popularizing the patriotic education of the younger generation of Armenia.

16. Promotion of the Armenian issue in the international arena.

17. Strengthening the role of the Republic of Armenia in the global cultural, educational and scientific space.

18. Creating prerequisites and conditions for the development of constructive dialogue and partnership in the name of mutual recognition and mutual enrichment of various cultures and civilizations on all international platforms.